Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I return! More powerful than before!

Ah, yes. So, I apparently won the game. I mean, It's not like there was a win condition, but I sorta got a lot of honors and attention, which was what I was after, so yay. 

So now I'm a SEHI 19,  which is hugely awesome and, in some ways, the ultimate gotcha. "You wanna tell us how to run the game, smart guy? Here you go. You do better." It's Ironic that I got the "most responsive" award, seeing as I had to go AFK the last 2 weeks. I'm really proud of my "most Wuffie" award. I might just put it on my resume. 

Anyway, Now we're all going "whats next?" At least, those of us still around. The S19 have been taalking up  a storm on recnstruct, but I've only seen a little other activity otherwise. We certainly haven't picked up our GM mantles and gotten things rolling yet either. This is pretty understandable, because we had no warning we were going to be put in charge, so there was no plan for the "transition of power." Also, It's holiday season, and everyone is pressed for time. 

Rest assured, though, that we do plan on doing something wth our new toy, assuming we still have an audience. We're kind of in 2 camps at the moment: those who want to keep the current game going (and right now), and those who want to wait until later to give everyone a break, and maybe make some changes to  the game before the relaunch. Now, one does not preclude the other, because we can work on both at once. But I'd kind of like to hear from the players at large on this. Go  you want more superstruct right now, or do you want to wait for a superstruct sequel early next year? Let me know in the comments. 

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