Monday, October 27, 2008

Scaling Up.

OK, so a few posts ago I talked about not talking about gardens. In her last video, Jane suggested we need to look at structs beyond the grassroots level, top down as well as bottom up. And My Nightsoil collection agency got me in deep trouble and almost got our garden torn up. Put all these together, and I've decided to take a different tact to ensuring that human waste gets properly treated.

My mother has decided that if the city leaders think threatening community gardens is a good use of resources in the face of our crisis's, then she can do a lot better job than they do. So she's running for city council. I thought maybe having her son be arrested for sabotaging city equipment, but it seems that on the PR side, the city is getting the flack and I'm kind of a folk hero now (ain't got a song yet, but there's time). Part of her platform was going to be allowing the night soil service, but I thought, hey, if we're gonna be in charge of what the city does, why not go big?

Hence, the Anaerobic Activists. We're going to replace our city's waste treatment plant with Methane Digesters and make the compost freely available when it's ready.

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